Class: Hierophant

Z Endor Revived Wiki

  • Healer
  • Support

Classmaster Divinarius

A young cleric, one day went to a forgotten abandoned monastery, which was located deep in the forest. While walking through the dark corridors, he came across a wooden bookcase with crumbling books. He decided to explore this old library and suddenly discovered old scrolls that had been almost forgotten. These scrolls, covered in dust and cobwebs, contained the secrets of the art of healing that he had never heard of before. The young man, who was a devoted servant of the gods, began to study these scrolls with enthusiasm. He learned to heal the sick, heal the wounded, and bring relief to the suffering. During his studies, he came across a mention of a mysterious Hierophant guild he had never heard of before. He began searching for information and discovered an old monk's journal that mentioned that the Hierophants were a mysterious group that protected and preserved powerful healing knowledge. The young man decided to find this mysterious society of Hierophants and share his skills with them. Gathering more information, he embarked on an adventurous journey that took him to distant lands, where he was to discover the secrets of the guild and become part of their mission to heal and help people in the name of their faith.

Hierophant is a profession that specializes in healing and supporting its allies, similar to Priest. Hierophant's strength is a greater focus on overall party protection and utilization of active abilities. A certain weakness of his is then the lower skill anatomy, the absence of flam sanct and large protective auras.

How to become

To be accepted into the Hierophant's guild, one first needs to be a Cleric of 10th level, then find classmaster Divinarius in the Hierophant's guild, write "join" and swear the oath: "No matter the danger. I shall not let my companions fall!”


Title Level Type Description
Healer 10 Passive Speeds up healing with bandages.
Altruism 12 Passive Any heal from others also heals the hierophant for 10% of the healed value.
Pain share 15 Active Damage to the target is shared between the target and the hierophant, if either player dies, the connection is broken. Lasts 10 seconds, cooldown 60 seconds. It is activated by the command .painshare .
Angelic presence 18 Active Increases the hierophant's shock resist by 20 and all healing by 30%, while casting revitalization on all party players in the immediate vicinity of the hierophant. Lasts 30 seconds, cooldown 180 seconds. It is activated by the command .angelicpresence .
Divine shield 20 Active He casts an aura of invulnerability on his target, the hierophant cannot target himself. Lasts 4 seconds, cooldown 25 seconds. It is activated with the command .divineshield .


To cast spells, you need to have reagents (regs) with you. These can be bought from vendors, players, or collected from fallen monsters.

Spell # Circle Regs Description
Create Food
In Mani Ylem
102 1

Garlic (ga) Ginseng (gi) Mandrake Root (mr)

Creates food.
In Mani
104 1

Garlic (ga) Ginseng (gi) Spider's Silk (ss)

Heal minor wounds.
Night Sight
In Lor
106 1

Spider's Silk (ss)

Temporarily improves target's sight, turning darkness into daylight.
An Nox
111 2

Garlic (ga) Ginseng (gi)

Cures poison.
An Mani
112 2

Nightshade (ns) Spider's Silk (ss)

Weak offensive spell
Uus Sanct
115 2

Garlic (ga) Ginseng (gi) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Temporarily increases target's armor.
Stamina Restoration
In Ex Uus
268 2

Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa) Spider's Silk (ss)

Target regains 10 stamina.
Rel Sanct
117 3

Garlic (ga) Mandrake Root (mr)

Temporarily increases target's strength, dexterity and intelligence. Warning, costs a large amount of mana!
Cure Ailments
Des Malus
261 3

Garlic (ga) Ginseng (gi)

Cures poison, disease (plague) and curses.
Mana Restoration
In Ort
270 3

Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa) Spider's Silk (ss)

Target regains 9 mana.
Arch Cure
Vas An Nox
125 4

Garlic (ga) Ginseng (gi) Mandrake Root (mr)

Cures poison in a large area. Multiple casts are needed for stronger poisons.
Arch Protection
Vas Uus Sanct
126 4

Garlic (ga) Ginseng (gi) Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Enhances armor of all targets in a large area ( 14-19 for 6 minutes). Main reason for priests to train inscription - onto grey scrolls for its maximized effect of 20 armor without variance. Keep on your party at all times. Commonly known as "vus".
Kal Ort Por
132 4

Garlic (ga) Mandrake Root (mr)

Spell for traveling around the realm. A marked recall rune or a runebook is needed as target, teleporting the caster after 12 seconds to it's coordinates. While the mage is free to move after the initial cast, the spell can still be interrupted by receiving damage. Commonly referred to as "port" or "kop".
Greater Stamina Restoration
Vas In Ex Uus
269 4

Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa) Spider's Silk (ss)

Target regains 47-50 stamina.
Tym In Mani
340 4

Garlic (ga) Ginseng (gi) Mandrake Root (mr)

Heals target periodically for 5-10 hitpoints every 3 seconds.
Lesser Protective Aura
Bet Corp Sanct
345 4

Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Reduces physical damage the target receives by 20-25% for 35 seconds. Can be stacked with Mass aura of the same type to get up to 50% protection on the main target. Cannot be stacked with priest's protective auras. Overwrights Lesser Reflective Aura.
Lesser Reflective Aura
Bet Ort Corp Sanct
346 4

Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Reduces magical damage the target receives by 20-25% for 35 seconds. Can be stacked with Mass aura of the same type to get up to 50% protection on the main target. Cannot be stacked with priest's protective auras. Overwrights Lesser Protective Aura.
Dispel Field
An Grav
134 5

Black Pearl (bp) Garlic (ga) Sulphurous Ash (sa) Spider's Silk (ss)

Dispells magical walls in a 6 tile area.
An Ex Por
138 5

Mandrake Root (mr) Nightshade (ns)

Temporarily immobilizes the target.
Greater Mana Restoration
Vas In Ort
271 5

Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa) Spider's Silk (ss)

Target regains 18 mana.
Mind Blast
Por Corp Wis
301 5

Black Pearl (bp) Mandrake Root (mr) Nightshade (ns) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Strong damaging spell, whose power is increased by the difference between the caster and the target. Will reflect back if the target has more intelligence. Stronger versus players.
Holy Lance
In Mani Ort
341 5

3xGarlic (ga) Ginseng (gi) Mandrake Root (mr)

Heals all partymembers in target's direction.
Kal Por Ylem
145 6

Black Pearl (bp) Mandrake Root (mr)

Marks the location of a rune, which can be used later for teleportation via the recall spell.
Wis Quas
148 6

Blood Moss (bm) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Reveals all hidden targets in a 10 tile area.
In Vas Grav Mani
342 6

Garlic (ga) Ginseng (gi) Mandrake Root (mr)

Heals all partymembers in nearby area.
Mass Protective Aura
Grav Corp Sanct
343 6

2xMandrake Root (mr) 2xSulphurous Ash (sa)

Reduces physical damage that all nearby friendly targets receive by 20-25% for 35 seconds. Can be stacked with Lesser aura of the same type to get up to 50% protection on the main target. Cannot be stacked with priest's protective auras. Overwrights Mass Reflective Aura.
Mass Reflective Aura
Grav Ort Corp Sanct
344 6

2xMandrake Root (mr) 2xSulphurous Ash (sa)

Reduces magical damage that all nearby friendly targets receive by 20-25% for 35 seconds. Can be stacked with Lesser aura of the same type to get up to 50% protection on the main target. Cannot be stacked with priest's protective auras. Overwrights Mass Protective Aura.
Mass Dispel
Vas An Ort
154 7

Black Pearl (bp) Garlic (ga) Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Damages summoned or undead creatures in a 6 tile area. Has a chance of dispelling them completely, if their master is already dead. Commonly known as "ort".
Stone to flesh
An Ylem In Mani
330 7

10xMandrake Root (mr)

Canceles petrification.
An Corp
159 8

Blood Moss (bm) Garlic (ga) Ginseng (gi)

Brings fallen heroes back to life. Deals heavy damage to undead creatures.


Skills are trainable attributes that have a major impact on each character's gameplay. Below is the table of max values ​​at level 30. From level 31 onwards, only stats are being increased.

Skill Max
Armedcast 100
Healing 100
Macefighting 100
Magery 100
Magic Resistance 100
Musicianship 100
Spiritspeak 100
Anatomy 90
Inscription 90
Meditation 90
Detect Hidden 74
Forensic Evaluation 74
Parry 74
Camping 70
Veterinary 64
Alchemy 57
Staves 57
Wrestling 57
Hiding 50
Arms Lore 35
Cooking 35
Herding 35
Taste Identification 35
Animal Lore 30
Tactics 10


Stats are basic character attributes whose values are affected by Races and Classes.

Level 30
Race Str Dex Int Hp Mana Stam
Orc 95 71 78 124 90 138
Human 86 78 105 115 153 133
Half-elf 78 85 118 111 161 132
Elf 74 88 123 107 167 129
Drow 71 84 134 100 176 122
Level 35
Race Str Dex Int Hp Mana Stam
Orc 100 76 88 135 100 149
Human 91 84 115 125 167 144
Half-elf 82 91 129 121 176 142
Elf 78 95 134 117 182 141
Drow 76 90 146 111 192 133