Z Endor Revived Wiki
该脚本在五个方向上进行挖掘 - 4 个方向垂直于配置的行走方向,1 个方向位于您的正下方。当这5个矿场被开采完后,脚本会将你按照配置的方向移动一个矿场,将背包中所有配置的矿石倾倒到地面上,并将矿石放在你的角色下方。警告 - 我们会将所有矿石从你的角色周围移走 二 格,因此除非你喜欢戏剧,否则请远离其他玩家。 😊
- 手上有一把铲子或镐,最好在背包里有一些备用件。
- 跑到一个可开采的洞穴。
// Mining // version 1.1 // // Changelog: // 1.1: added food checking if listexists 'mine-direction' removelist 'mine-direction' endif createlist 'mine-direction' if listexists 'mine-orehues' removelist 'mine-orehues' endif createlist 'mine-orehues' if listexists 'mine-foodtypes' removelist 'mine-foodtypes' endif createlist 'mine-foodtypes' ### start of configuration ### # change mining direction here # must be exactly one of these values: West East North South pushlist 'mine-direction' 'West' # change which ores you want dropped on ground and dragged behind here # note that if ore drops to ground due to weight and is not listed here it will be left on the spot # iron ore pushlist 'mine-orehues' "0" # copper ore pushlist 'mine-orehues' "1118" # tin ore pushlist 'mine-orehues' "2401" # lead ore pushlist 'mine-orehues' "1045" # zinc ore pushlist 'mine-orehues' "2403" # silver ore pushlist 'mine-orehues' "2951" # gold ore pushlist 'mine-orehues' "2213" # gorinite ore pushlist 'mine-orehues' "1645" # chlorite ore pushlist 'mine-orehues' "2128" # hieronite ore pushlist 'mine-orehues' "2428" # sangvine ore pushlist 'mine-orehues' "41" # arite ore pushlist 'mine-orehues' "1344" # change which foods do you want to try to consume from your backpack # cuts of ribs pushlist 'mine-foodtypes' 2546 # fish steak pushlist 'mine-foodtypes' 2427 ### end of configuration ### if listexists 'mine-locations' removelist 'mine-locations' endif createlist 'mine-locations' pushlist 'mine-locations' -2 pushlist 'mine-locations' -1 pushlist 'mine-locations' 0 pushlist 'mine-locations' 1 pushlist 'mine-locations' 2 # eat setvar! 'mine-hungry' 1 while varexist! 'mine-hungry' clearsysmsg setvar! 'mine-eating' 1 foreach foodtype in 'mine-foodtypes' if varexist! 'mine-eating' and findtype foodtype 'backpack' as 'food' dclick 'food' unsetvar! 'mine-eating' wait 250 endif endfor if varexist! 'mine-eating' sysmsg 'Warning: no food' unsetvar! 'mine-hungry' endif if insysmsg 'You are too full to eat any more' unsetvar! 'mine-hungry' endif endwhile # cut gems @clearignore while findtype 5031 'backpack' as 'chunk' if findtype 7868 'backpack' 5 as 'tool' clearsysmsg dclick 'tool' waitfortarget target 'chunk' while 1 = 1 if insysmsg 'Your tool broke' break; endif if insysmsg 'You have created a gem' break; endif if insysmsg 'You have failed to create a gem' break; endif wait 50 endwhile wait 250 else break endif endwhile # mine locations foreach loc in 'mine-locations' if inlist 'mine-direction' 'West' or inlist 'mine-direction' 'East' sysmsg 'Mining at 0 {{loc}}' elseif inlist 'mine-direction' 'North' or inlist 'mine-direction' 'south' sysmsg 'Mining at {{loc}} 0' else sysmsg 'Mining direction is misconfigured' stop endif setvar! 'mine_minespot' 1 while varexist 'mine_minespot' clearsysmsg // shovel > rhand > pickaxe in bag if findtype 3897 'backpack' as 'tool' dclick 'tool' elseif not rhandempty hotkey 'use item in hand' elseif findtype 3718 'backpack' as 'tool' or findtype 3717 'backpack' as 'tool' dress 'tool' while rhandempty wait 50 endwhile wait 500 dclick 'tool' else sysmsg 'No tool found' stop endif waitfortarget if inlist 'mine-direction' 'West' or inlist 'mine-direction' 'East' targetrelloc 0 loc elseif inlist 'mine-direction' 'North' or inlist 'mine-direction' 'south' targetrelloc loc 0 else sysmsg 'Mining direction is misconfigured' stop endif setvar! 'mine_wait' 1 while varexist 'mine_wait' if insysmsg 'You can mine only from cave floor' or insysmsg 'That is too far away' or insysmsg "You cannot see that" unsetvar! 'mine_wait' unsetvar! 'mine_minespot' elseif insysmsg 'there is no more' unsetvar! 'mine_wait' unsetvar! 'mine_minespot' elseif insysmsg 'tool broke' unsetvar! 'mine_wait' endif wait 500 endwhile endwhile endfor # change direction to next spot foreach step in 'mine-direction' walk step endfor # make step on next spot foreach step in 'mine-direction' walk step endfor wait 500 # drop ores from backpack @clearignore foreach orehue in 'mine-orehues' while findtype 6585 'backpack' orehue as 'backpackstack' @ignore 'backpackstack' while findtype 6585 'backpack' orehue as 'otherstack' @ignore 'otherstack' endwhile lift 'backpackstack' 0 if findtype 6585 true orehue as 'groundstack' sysmsg 'Dropping {{orehue}} to ground stack' drop 'groundstack' else sysmsg 'Dropping {{orehue}} to ground location' droprelloc 0 0 endif wait 150 @clearignore endwhile endfor wait 500 # drag ores under our character @clearignore foreach orehue in 'mine-orehues' // backpack ores should have been dropped already // but to be sure lets ignore them while findtype 6585 'backpack' orehue as 'stack' @ignore 'stack' endwhile // first stack unsetvar! 'minevacuumgroundstack'; while findtype 6585 true orehue as 'stack' lift 'stack' 0 if varexist! 'minevacuumgroundstack' drop 'minevacuumgroundstack' else droprelloc 0 0 setvar! 'minevacuumgroundstack' 'stack' endif wait 150 @ignore 'stack' endwhile endfor wait 500 // pickup all chunks @clearignore while findtype 5031 'backpack' as 'chunk' @ignore 'chunk' endwhile while findtype 5031 true as 'chunk' lift 'chunk' 0 drop 'backpack' -1 -1 wait 150 @ignore 'chunk' endwhile // go again loop