
Z Endor Revived Wiki

Level 15+ Dungeons

Dungeon Name Level Restrictions Notes Coordinates
Mercenary Underground 13+ Yes Undead enemies; recommended for groups and silver weapons. X:5626 Y:2494 Z:0
Bear Cave ??? ??? Information to be added. ???
Animal Cave ??? ??? Information to be added. ???
Chata 15+ No A hut at the crossroads southeast of Golden Mines Village. X:4020 Y:1814 Z:0
Terathan 1 (Under Necromancers) 15+ No Entrance south of the Necromancers’ Guild. X:2054 Y:2019 Z:0
Terathan 2 (Above Berserkers) 15+ No Entrance east of the Berserkers’ Guild. X:1195 Y:2394 Z:0
Terathan 3 (Island) 15+ No Entrance east of the Orc Village; a boat is required. X:1847 Y:2761 Z:0
Skurut 15+ No Entrance southeast of Golden Mine Village. X:3633 Y:1623 Z:0
Horazit - Old Mine 15+ No The second floor contains traps for Chlorite Golems. X:1535 Y:1598 Z:0
Ice Garden 15+ No Entrance in Forgotten Realms, on the snowy terrain. X:6085 Y:2173 Z:0
Lycan 15+ No Requires a boat, teleport, or marked rune. X:1623 Y:1183 Z:0
Ettins 15+ No Entrance north of Golden Mine Village. X:3886 Y:951 Z:0
Harpies 15+ No Entrance north of Golden Mine Village. X:4045 Y:1106 Z:0
Oasis 18+ No Entrance southeast of Alcaringue City. X:1404 Y:3644 Z:0
Scare Oorok Cave 20+ No Entrance north of Daugas. X:2980 Y:1477 Z:0
Shadow Crypt ??? ??? Information to be added. X:5441 Y:3108 Z:0
Snow Fort ??? ??? Information to be added. X:1116 Y:980 Z:0
Cyclops ??? ??? Information to be added. X:3022 Y:927 Z:0
Vikings Hideout 20+ No Entry on an island, requires underground access. X:701 Y:1886 Z:0
Goliath Ruins ??? ??? Information to be added. X:5846 Y:2607 Z:0
Viking Camp 15+ No Entry south of Lios or west of Harbour City. X:1631 Y:1232 Z:0
Viking Camp Outpost 18+ No Located on an island, requires a boat. X:709 Y:1881 Z:0
Viking Temple 18+ No Located on an island, requires a boat. X:672 Y:498 Z:0
Viking Tower ??? ??? Information to be added. X:2499 Y:2447 Z:0
Damned Mines 1 10–30 No 2 entrances north of the Berserkers’ Guild, each leading to different areas. X:1497 Y:1994 Z:0
X:1508 Y:1870 Z:0
Cave of Suffering 14+ No Entrance south of Sindhar City. X:3160 Y:3051 Z:0
Insect 10–25 No Entrance in the desert, east of Medea. X:1154 Y:3198 Z:-2
Winter Passage 18+ No Entrance in Forgotten Realms, on the snowy terrain. X:6118 Y:2684 Z:0
Abbys Garden on Ruined Island 15–25 No Entrance on an island, accessible by boat. X:3747 Y:4004 Z:0
Roklinka 0–25 No Entrance east of the Necromancers’ cemetery; requires a boat. X:2225 Y:1765 Z:0
Duergar Cave 16+ No 2 entrances southwest of the Ice Mage Guild. X:1250 Y:666 Z:0
X:1393 Y:631 Z:0
Ice Valley 18+ No Entrance in Forgotten Realms, on the snowy terrain. X:5818 Y:2061 Z:0
Spider 16+ No Entrance north of Golden Mine Village. X:3928 Y:1006 Z:0
Troll Caves 10–25 No Entrance south of Hoggard. X:3051 Y:954 Z:0
Drow Island 15+ No Island, requires a boat. X:1825 Y:3096 Z:0
The Burned Dungeon 10–20 Yes 2 entrances northeast of Daugas or from Daugas Castle. X:2801 Y:2110 Z:0
X:2927 Y:2492 Z:0